Thursday, February 21, 2008

Differently Alike

~ ~ ~ ~

I watch the sun set.
Every time I marvel at the loveliness,
a beauty that is never like any one before it.
There is a serenity in the evening.
The colors are peaceful.
The air is soft.
The sounds are gentle as the world unwinds
for the night.
The night is long and restful.
I listen and hear for a short time
before I sleep
And blissfully unaware of all except my dreams.
When the sun rises again,
it is once more a delight of quiet colors
that strengthen into the bright sunlight.
The sounds rise from near nothing
to the busy babble of the daytime.
I’m challenged with the diametric analogy,
the ever-changing sameness
of each turn of the earth,
happy to know I can expect
to be surprised

~ ~ ~ ~

1 comment:

Sherry said...

How lovely!!!

I have you listed on my journals blog with this blog -- have you considered doing any of the prompts I do -- 3 word wednesday, sunday scribblings, etc.?